Friday, June 10, 2011

When A President Won't Take Responsibility

The words Defense Industry used to refer to the Military-Industrial Complex, but now describe the vast number of writers required to explain away the Obama administration's manifold failures. Clever apologists across the fruited plain cook up excuses and toss them into the media echo-chamber where they become pablum for those eager to redeem the Anointed One. A sampling: Bush-did-it; nine-percent-unemployment-is-the-new-normal, Republicans-aren't-letting-him-succeed, greedy-corporations-are-sitting-on-cash, free-trade-is-killing-us, it-would-be-worse-if-we-hadn't-acted, and so on. 

The main output of this White House is excuses. 

Here's our talkative young President* addressing auto workers in Toledo:
"’s just like if you had a bad illness, if you got hit by a truck...there are still some headwinds that are coming at us...the tragedy in Japan...the instability in the Middle East...bumps on the road to recovery. We’re going to pass through some rough terrain..." All those excuses are from consecutive paragraphs in a single speech.

The multiplying excuses all flow from a central canard: "Only government" can solve our problems.  

I suppose, in a perverse/reverse logic, this premise could be true: because only government could have created these problems! A partial list: the distortions of the Federal Reserve Bank's monopoly-money; the cake-and-eat-it-too delirium of Fannie-Mae and Freddie-Mac mortgages; the thuggish mob-enforcement of CRIA; the micro-managing of Dodd-Frank and a blizzard of other Central-Planning initiatives that have turned the U.S. economy into a Rube Goldberg jalopy. Plus we now have an additional $4 trillion of debt to show for all Obama's failed ideas...while he seeks permission to borrow even more.

If this President doesn't want responsibility let's take it from him and give it to someone who will actually clean up his mess.  The cure is limiting government, thereby unshackling America from her captors in Washington, DC.

* so named by columnist George Will

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