Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Review of "Global Warming Deception" by Grant R. Jeffrey

WaterBrook Press sent me a review copy of their upcoming book (releasing February 8, 2011), subtitled "How A Secret Elite Plans To Bankrupt America And Steal Your Freedom." As SCTV's Count Floyd used to say: "Scary stuff kids!" Especially from an author specializing in Biblical prophecy and apologetics. But Jeffrey isn't a mere egghead: he worked much of his adult life for a major forest-products company in him a front-row seat for the birth of environmentalism.

To be clear: the author does not dispute that the world has been warming, only that 1) human activity is causing the warming and 2) increased temperatures are unprecedented and dangerous. The object of Jeffrey's concern is what he calls the "Anthropogenic Global Warming" movement, defining anthropogenic as "caused by humans".

It is no secret that the "green movement" is a now creature of the left. Why this should be so, however, is far from obvious. After all, what conservative cheerfully empties his car's ashtray out in the church parking lot? Or seeks to operate the dirtiest-possible factory? Or longs for a cabin overlooking a toxic waste dump? Jeffrey cites scripture mandating that stewardship of God's green earth is a universal responsibility for all humans.

Like Jeffrey, I grew up in the 50s and 60s and remember the invention of the word "environment." As schoolboys we used the word "litterbug" as a derogatory term for people who tossed trash out of their automobile. Back then it was all about "pollution" and folks in western nations really cleaned up their act . . . dramatized by the despoiled conditions we all saw in Russia after the collapse of the Soviet Union. A strong case can be made that the further left a country moves, the worse their stewardship of the land, water and air. Would you rather breath the air Beijing or Los Angeles?

Jeffrey meticulously documents—and footnotes—the early opportunism of leftist/globalist organizations like the Club of Rome, the Communist Party USA, the Audubon Society, the Rio Earth Summit and others, who used the issue as a Trojan Horse for ever-increasing control over people and nations. Kyoto, Davos, the EU, the IPCC, and particularly the United Nations have all recently come out-of-the-shadows to promote "global governance," citing global warming—now called "climate change"—as the reason to overrule national sovereignties.

There are other books more detailed in exposing the flawed science, false claims, faked measurements and phony computer models underlying AGW, but Jeffrey covers the ground adequately and updates this body of knowledge with current quotes, studies and disclosures. His brief bibliography is too slender at nine titles, but at least contains my favorite book on the topic by Dr. Roy W. Spencer.

The weakest part of Global Warming Deception is the connection between Biblical prophecy and the danger of AGW. After hammering hard on global government, the Anti-Christ and Satan's plans in his Introduction and first chapter, Jeffrey pretty much drops those themes for the rest of the book. This was quite a relief to me, frankly, because the overwhelming sense he conveys early in the book is the impending, inevitable end of the world in "our lifetime". (I note that he doesn't say "my lifetime," given that he is about 60 years old.) But he spends the rest of the book urging Christians to be wise, to be informed, to be active and to be prayerful; conveying a sense of hopefulness in this battle, and that God's judgment may be deferred. He even ends his book with the famous words of 2 Chronicles 7:14.

Prophecy and theology aside, this is a well-researched and helpful book for those seeking to understand what lies behind all the silly, intrusive, laughable, coercive, frivolous, but ultimately deadly laws and regulations coming down the pike from those who seek not to "save the world" but to "enslave the world".

Global Warming Deception: How A Secret Elite Plans To Bankrupt America And Steal Your Freedom
Grant R. Jeffrey
$14.99 U.S.
Paperback, 224 pages
ISBN-10: 1400074436
WaterBrook Press
Available February 8, 2011


  1. Does he mention the role that Maurice Strong played in all of this deception?

  2. Oh yeah—your fellow rich Canuck is quoted often. My fave:

    "Current lifestyles...of the affluent middle class—involving high meat intake, fossil fuels, appliances, air-conditioning and suburban housing—are not sustainable." 1992 at the Rio Summit.

    He's at least an honest Statist: we will herd people into primitive urban kennels, feed them hay and make them wash their dishes by hand. And now, thanks to our EPA's phosphate paranoia, our dishwashers are already becoming useless thanks to regulations to weaken detergents.

  3. Cyril Anderst

    I believe that the popular buzz phrase evolved to "climate change" as the eco-alarmists realized that the concept of global warming was becoming increasingly indefensible in the face of actual and substantial evidence. The handy thing about the "climate change" term is that they can use any weather anomaly (hot, cold or inbetween) as "evidence" to uphold this theory.

    Great blog site and reviews, Wayne. Keep it up.
