[NOTE: I wrote this brief blog post in early August of last year's Summer Of Leftist Violence. I didn't publish it then, because I couldn't discern an outcome. Last fall's controversial Presidential election was surely the strategic goal of all the disruption.]
August 3rd, 2020
"They wore black, were mostly teenagers, and people cheered them."
August 3rd, 2020
"They wore black, were mostly teenagers, and people cheered them."
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Burning St. John's Church, Washington, DC on May 30th, 2020 |
"Schools closed. Religion was banned."
"If you said one word against [them], you would be killed."
"The first to die in ... Utopia were the civil servants, soldiers and police ... the educated, doctors, [the] monks..."
"If you said one word against [them], you would be killed."
"The first to die in ... Utopia were the civil servants, soldiers and police ... the educated, doctors, [the] monks..."
The quotes above are from Cambodia in 1975 when the Khmer Rouge movement violently rose to power. The world paid scant attention to Cambodia, being relieved that the U.S. war in neighboring Vietnam had finally ended. But the suffering in Cambodia had just begun, detailed in 1979's little-seen documentary "Year Zero - The Silent Death of Cambodia" by Australian journalist John Pilger. However, millions of people in the West saw 1984's Academy Award-winning "The Killing Fields" by Roland Joffe.
America is not Cambodia, of course. Neither are we France, or Russia, or Germany, or Italy, or China, or Cuba, or Venezuela, or dozens of other smaller nations upended by violent, lawless, totalitarian insurgencies. But do we somehow imagine that the horrors visited upon so many countries in the aftermath of their bloody uprisings cannot possibly happen in "the land of the free and the home of the brave?"
In fact, the horrors are already happening. We've seen florists, bakers, photographers, college professors, journalists, and others lose their jobs for speaking truth to power. The power isn't the State, but the Mob (often via Twitter, but also violently in person). Have you ever been caught in a life-and-death panic with a large group of people? If so, you have seen what kind of behavior "normal" folks are capable of in dire circumstances. Imagine what kinds of things can be done by people who study, plot, and prepare to unleash a violent overthrow.
November 4th, 2021
So now we can see that Cloward-Piven tactics, along with "Rules For Radicals," are undoubtably driving the Biden administration's new-outrage-every-day operating principle. Defund the police; the IRS must monitor every American bank account over $600; deny actual science in regards to COVID therapeutics/masks/vaccines; force American companies to force so-called "vaccination" on their employees; assert falsehoods like "Critical Race Theory doesn't exist;" stop building the border wall American taxpayers have already funded; encourage unlimited illegal immigration; pay illegals up to $450,000 each; abandon Americans in Afghanistan; spend $3.5 trillion on shovel-ready infrastructure; print and print and print new money; mint a few $1 trillion coins; etcetera, ad infinitum, ad nauseum.
There is simply not enough time for citizens to assess, critique, discuss, and intelligently respond to any one of these daily grenades... because by Thursday they will have launched two NEW mortar shells out into the fruited plain. They are keeping us off balance, and trying to discourage us from resisting their lawless takeover.
Well, thankfully a couple of days ago (11/2/2021) there were a bunch of off-year state/municipal elections which dramatically rejected many of the candidates responsible for these kinds of lunacy. In Virginia the Republicans swept all three state-wide offices (Governor, Lieutenant Gov, Atty General); in Minneapolis, Austin & NYC, Defund Police policies were overturned; the NJ President of the Senate, longest-serving legislator (a Democrat) was defeated by a truck driver who spent $153.42 on his campaign.
More importantly, there are rumblings of a religious awakening across the USA. Actor/activist Kirk Cameron is touring the country with his "American Campfire Revival" program; Franklin Graham just concluded his Route 66 Prayer Tour; evangelist Mario Murillo is seeing overflow crowds at his tent meetings in California's San Joaquin Valley and upstate New York; major protestant churches from coast-to-coast are winning court battles (and in some cases have received financial compensation) against state shutdowns of public worship—even outdoors.
There is simply not enough time for citizens to assess, critique, discuss, and intelligently respond to any one of these daily grenades... because by Thursday they will have launched two NEW mortar shells out into the fruited plain. They are keeping us off balance, and trying to discourage us from resisting their lawless takeover.
Well, thankfully a couple of days ago (11/2/2021) there were a bunch of off-year state/municipal elections which dramatically rejected many of the candidates responsible for these kinds of lunacy. In Virginia the Republicans swept all three state-wide offices (Governor, Lieutenant Gov, Atty General); in Minneapolis, Austin & NYC, Defund Police policies were overturned; the NJ President of the Senate, longest-serving legislator (a Democrat) was defeated by a truck driver who spent $153.42 on his campaign.
More importantly, there are rumblings of a religious awakening across the USA. Actor/activist Kirk Cameron is touring the country with his "American Campfire Revival" program; Franklin Graham just concluded his Route 66 Prayer Tour; evangelist Mario Murillo is seeing overflow crowds at his tent meetings in California's San Joaquin Valley and upstate New York; major protestant churches from coast-to-coast are winning court battles (and in some cases have received financial compensation) against state shutdowns of public worship—even outdoors.
Christ-followers understand that we do not fight against flesh and blood, but against spiritual forces of darkness in heavenly places. And we have this promise: "When the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him." - Isaiah 59:19b
No, 2020 was not America's Year Zero. Despite COVID shutdowns, despite lies and violence, despite corruption, despite all the usual suspects (press/media, Hollywood, academia, et al), America is still earth's pinnacle nation. As such this country matters greatly to God... and We The People will look back to 1776 and 1865 for our civic inspiration. We don't need the Left's Vision from 2020, we need God's Gift of 20/20 Vision.